Monday, May 20, 2013

Cinderelley, Cinderelley - You Sit Too Long In Front Of the Telly

Since our last post together, I've been thinking.

In that musing, I mentioned how I do have the time to accomplish some things I would like to do, but not necessarily the energy. I leave my job where, like almost everyone else I know, I am uninspired and bored, fight traffic to get home and then have to deal with the remaining chores of the day. Except I don't deal with the remaining chores of the day. Usually I sink in front of the tv with the handsome Prince Charming and our two dogs and surf the net until bedtime. At first we blamed the winter weather, but now it's spring and not much has changed. Occasionally we will go for a walk (part of our goal to get in shape) or do an errand, or go out to eat, but mostly we sit in front of the television.

Say it with me: TV, TV, it's eating all my energy

As is my FG nature, I immediately started researching (no doubt doing this research in front of the television) about energy drains and what to do about them.  Interestingly, a lot of the drains are the same, which leads me to wonder why we let them prevail as a society, but that's a topic for another post. Obviously, being uninspired at work is a drain, as is sitting in traffic, so I need to change my job and commute - but I also need to eat and pay the mortgage and vet bills for the puppies. I also read an article in the April 2013 edition of Family Circle (my mother, sister, cousin and I all trade magazines we get. It's very interesting to me to see what magazines each person reads and what articles they flag as important. But I digress ...) called, "Refresh, Renew. Recharged." Some of the energy drains they pointed out were - skipping sex (really? I thought that was a casualty of not having energy), sugar loading (Guilty! As a matter of fact I just ate a Whatchamacallit bar), ignoring your body clock, getting too much rest - they say not to veg out on the weekends and that - wait for it, golden nugget coming: "The more physically active you are, the more vitality you have. ... Activity begets the urge to do more activity."

Ding Ding Ding! Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner!

Of course! I believe that 100%. Seriously! (I will tell you when I am being sarcastic). When I worked two jobs I also had energy to go to the gym and go out and do almost everything else I wanted. So in order to be more active, I need to become more active. Kind of like the chicken or the egg paradox, except with an answer, and without a chicken, or an egg. 

I also believe that whatever is in writing must be true (now THAT was sarcastic), so I am going to list some things I need to do to have more energy and then I will do them (don't be mean, this is not me being sarcastic, it is me being hopeful). While I can't really address the body clock issue I have: my energy peaks while I am at work, I did muse on what are my biggest drains/issues and how I might percent or fix them. I will let you know how it turns out. 


1. Eat better: less sugary items (booooo!), more balanced meals
Issues to overcome: buy better food, plan out meals/recipes so they're easy and quick to make, eat a better breakfast, have a healthy snack before leaving work so when I get home I have the energy and willpower to cook something healthy for dinner.

2. Force myself to do some thing, even if it's a little thing, instead of plopping my arse in front of the tv (when IS the new episode of Vikings going to be on anyway!!) 

 In the words of a great Nike slogan (please don't sue me Nike) "Just Do It."

3. Look for a job that makes me excited to wake up in the morning and makes me feel energized doing it. 

'Nuff said.

4. Until I find said job, make what I have better.

Download audio books for the long commute. Focus on what is good about the job (see #5).

5. Remember this phrase: Where your thoughts are is where your energy lies.
I read this a long time ago and while I believe it 100%, I forget it about 80% of the time. If I am focusing on my long commute, the crazy drivers (why can't they all drive like me? HA!), how uninspiring my job is, of course I am going to feel drained. If instead I manage to see the good in these circumstances, and there always is good, I will feel energized. The lenses I choose to see through and with are exactly that - my choice.

These are my musings - MY musings, on what I need to do. What are YOUR energy drains? List them out, and then see what you can do about them. Be detailed in how you will handle them; consider what might make you fall back to your old habits and prepare for those as well. And please, as always, share what you do or found.

Until our next post, ciao babies. 

Your FG

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