Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From Cowgirl to Fairy Godmother ... How It All Started

I guess this all started a long time ago when I a little girl. A lot of my friends dreamed of finding the RIGHT GUY and GETTING MARRIED. I never did. I wanted to be a cowgirl with my own horse and dog living on a ranch somewhere eating waffles for breakfast and riding out on the vast terrain.

Howdy Pardners, welcome to my blog
(Please don't sue me person whose image I used. I am new to this) 
But little girls grow up and soon my dreams of sleeping under the stars smelling the dying campfire and faint scent of saddle leather gave way to different dreams  -- simple and few as they were. I  dreamt of owning a house somewhere on the water, driving a convertible and having a dog at my side. So I worked hard and slowly saved until I got the convertible, bought a tiny house on a lake, and -- when I felt my lifestyle would be fair enough, got the last piece of my happiness pie -- my dog.

Hi, I am not my mom's actual dog, but a hopefully free-stock-image representing cute dogs in general. Don't you want to take me home and read blogs with me at your side?
When my offer on the house was accepted, I remember calling my mother excitedly and telling her. I had never thought I would own my own home. This is basically how the conversation went. I've used the parens and Latin terms to indicate our tone.

Me (super excitedus): "Mom, I did it! I finally did it! I am so happy! I've done it! I can't believe it! I ..." 
Mom (super rudeus interuptus): "What! You got married???" 
... crickets ... (oh gentle friends, I looked for an image of a cricket but they grossed me out so I went the verbal route. Trust me, you are thankful for that. Gross!) 
.. more crickets ... 
Mom (concernedus but excitedes): "FG? You still there?"
Me (super disappointedly-us): "Um, yes. I didn't get married! Are you kidding me? I am not even dating anyone. I got the house!"
Mom (L-O-N-G pause, then longus sighus and super disappointedly-us): "Oh FG, now you'll never get married. I thought at least you might need two salaries to afford a house."

The point of this tale of woe isn't to let you know that my entire Irish/Italian Catholic family is dying for me to get married ... nor is it exactly a tale of woe. I shared it because I had realized long ago that I had better take things into my own hands and make my own goals and dreams come true. No waiting for Prince Charming to come in, sweep me off my feet and carry me to my castle where we would live happily ever after or for my Fairy Godmother to come make it happen for me. To quote the Eurthymics, a British pop duo, Aretha Franklin and anyone else who sang the song, "Sisters are doing it for themselves." So I became my own Fairy Godmother, and built the life I wanted.

People tell me how lucky I am all of the time, they say I lead a charmed life and believe me, I know. I am thankful for it. Are there things I want that I don't have? Yes, of course.  Could I be richer, thinner, healthier, a better person? Of course. And probably many more things. But when you look at the core of my being, the one thing I truly am is happy. HAPPY. People ask me all of the time how I got here. Hopefully my blog will let you know.

Recently, things changed for me.  I have my own Prince Charming in my life now (although we are not married yet, much to the dismay of our families), we just moved into a new home in a new area, have two dogs (and fosters on and off) and he kills crickets for me. It's a new stage of my life, and I find my goals have changed. So I thought I'd set up a blog of musings on things I've learned, am learning and should learn (but stubbornly refuse to do so) to meet those new goals and create and keep the life I want to have and person I want to be. In essence, share, continue to learn how to and sometimes fail at being my own fairy godmother again. Because sister, there ain't no body else who's gonna do it for you. (I think I am quoting my own bad self there but who knows).

I hope you enjoy the ride. Yee-haw!

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